Treatment information

“Pain impacts peoples’ lives tremendously in all areas – physical, emotional, sleep, relationships, work, recreation. I want people to have a better quality of life”

  • Listening, understanding, explanation (and further investigation where appropriate)
  • Medicines: review, trial of appropriate medicines, advice on discontinuing unhelpful medicines
  • Pain Procedures: spinal and nerve injection therapies, radiofrequency treatments, botoxin pain therapies

“I am passionate about improving chronic pain treatment and offering new and effective treatment options like the latest spinal cord stimulation.”

“Working with colleagues to achieve the best outcomes for my patients is important”

  • Collaboration with pain physiotherapists, pain psychologists, and other specialists





NSAIDS (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs eg: Ibuprofen, Naproxen)

Opioids for chronic pain


Facet joint medial branch blocks

Facet joint radiofrequency denervation (rhizolysis)

Epidurals and Selective Nerve Root Blocks

Occipital Nerve Blocks

Peripheral Nerve Blocks

Racz catheter epidurolysis

Spinal Cord Stimulation